
Check it Out

So i write a weekly sports column for my friends blog. Check it out at http://two-a-days.blogspot.com
Since it's hockey season, it's currently an NHL column, but once baseball starts up i will be doing some baseball postings as well.



my week from hell is over. i had three exams, three projects, a quiz and homework due last week. i made it through though, i did pretty well on everything. i got an 88 on my stat exam and a 83 on my sociology exam. aced the hw, quiz and projects... so yea, just waiting to get the poli sci exam back. but i'm so relieved now.


Penn State 300

continuing in my posting of Penn State youtube videos, this ranks amongst my favorites


Penn State Weather Blows... Seriously

Ok so sunday night we reached a nice balmy low of -23 degrees with the wind chill. monday it warmed up a little. and by a little i mean i think it stayed about 0 all day. and now today we got about 5 inches of snow and it was practically shorts weather because it was in the high 20's all day. unfortunately that snow fell on top of ice and NO ONE IN STATE COLLEGE SHOVELS THEIR SIDEWALKS. the townies around here suck, the borough gets so pissed off whenever a frat doesn't shovel their sidewalk, but the townies never shovel their sidewalks. it happens every time it snows, without fail. walking to campus is right out if you want to be safe... anyways... classes definitely should have been canceled today because the administration was not clearing the sidewalks faster than the snow was falling. all the sidewalks were slippery and i nearly fell twice which would have sucked because i was carrying my laptop... anyways rant over.


And We're Back

Well once again i have that itch to blog. so *blog*. anyways, i was reading through my old xanga today (i can't believe i remembered the password and such... well maybe it isn't that unbelievable) and i got pretty nostalgic... i miss high school, i'm not gonna lie. life was so much less stressful back then. maybe i'm only remembering the good parts of it, but i miss the closeness i had with my old friends... i also really miss playing hockey and tennis. like really badly. soooo when the weather decides to not be 5 degrees or colder out anymore... i will be up for playing tennis, those of you who go to penn state who wants to play? also do you like the banner thing i added at the top of my page? i made it myself. its a freeze frame of a scene from Lost in Translation where Scarlett Johannson is sitting in her window gazing out over tokyo... and then the text inside lists the songs i've recently listened to. 'tis sweer. later.